1. We have to lock for the facts, not words. ( Trebuie sa ne uitam la fapte, nu la vorbe . )
2. Don't be sad, don't be blue... Frankestain was ugly too. ( Nu fi trist, nu fi suparat.. si Frankestain era urat.)
3. He who laugs last, laughs best ! But he who laughs first, sees the point. ( Cel care rade la urma rade cel mai bine! Dar cel care rade primul intelege poanta.)
4. Tobe or not to be, this is the question . ( A fi sau a nu fi, aceasta este intrebarea.)
5. The life is too short, to have time for sadness too. ( Viata este prea scurta pentru ca sa avem timp si pentru tristete.)
6. Life is short,....it up to you... . ( Viata este scurta...depinde de tine... .)
7.To love means to forgive . ( A iubi inseamna a ierta.)
8. To love means to lose control.( A iubi inseamna a pierde controlul.)
9. To love means, may be, to be light up the best part in us. ( A iubi inseamna , poate a lumina partea cea mai frumoasa din noi.)
10. To love means to be born. ( A iubi inseamna a te naste.)
11. To love means to risk not being loved back.( A iubi inseamna a nu fi iubit in schimb.)
12. To love means to transform, to be a poet. ( A iubi inseamna a transforma, a fi poet.)
13 To love means, to put our happiness in someone else's happines. ( A iubi inseamna a ne pune fericirea, in fericirea altuia.)